The Center is a local parish initiative established for the benefit of all people. Our mission is to usher in an era of renewed vitality, infusing African-American Catholic parishes with Tolton's spirituality and equipping lay leaders with the strategies, resources and training to sustain a movement for a more mission-focused and community-oriented Church.
Our goal is to assemble a cohort of learning congregations, supporters, and community partners to explore possibilities for understanding and applying the fundamental principles of Tolton Spirituality holistically and cohesively to build intentional connections among multiple areas of congregational life and collaborative relationships among parishes with the potential to be united under a common identity.
By forming parish-based leadership teams supported by the community partners, the Tolton Spirituality Center will strengthen existing efforts and develop programs and ministries to animate the tangible gifts, spiritual graces, and prophetic witness of Father Tolton. Working as a model, this collaborative learning journey will provide the educational and practical resources to help black Catholic parishes on the South Side of Chicago and across the nation become thriving congregations.
When one congregation in the Church thrives, because we are one Church, we all thrive.
Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Matthew 28:19
“I have come to set the world on fire, and how I wish it were already so!
Luke 12:49
Inspired by the life and legacy of the Venerable Augustus Tolton, we have identified the following characteristics of thriving congregations that would inspire renewal and transformation in those Catholic parishes with a strong African-American presence. It is these principles we hope to explore with and animate within our local Church through the Thriving Congregations learning community:
The average congregant needs to trust in the new understandings of ancient sacred traditions, beliefs, values, and relationships that must be forged in today’s world. God is ever ancient, yet ever new.
Tolton’s life is an example of how to live a life of holiness and wholeness despite setbacks, both personal and institutional. Thriving congregations have the ability, through the power of community, to triumph over tragedy, embracing both the joys and sorrows of life in a spirit of suffering service.
Thriving congregations bring others to Christ through strong evangelization efforts. This commitment to community is exhibited by a willingness to collaborate with organizations beyond the parish walls and efforts to put faith in action through the corporal works of mercy and outreach to those on the margins
Thriving congregations promote a sense of responsibility and ownership of the parish and community at large, which includes passing on the faith to the next generation.
Thriving congregations engage in courageous conversations. They are willing to take risks to stand for what is right, to speak prophetically, and to call out injustice when it is manifest.
Thriving congregations rely on radical hospitality to grow the church. They operate with the philosophy that they may not have much but what they do have, they are going to share.
Thriving congregations are mission-driven. They repair broken relationships, renew good relationships so they can be great, and replant regularly to grow new relationships.
Episcopal Moderator
Board Chair
Interim Director
Associate Director
Acting Secretary
Board Member​
Board Member
Board Member
Fiscal Agent
Board Member
Board Member Paula Kennedy
Founder (Late) Rev. Canon, A. Gerard Jordon
Minister of Care Avis Coleman
Minister of Care Beverly A. Stewart
Most Rev. Joseph N. Perry
Angela Hicks
Valerie Jennings
Antionette Taylor-Thomas
Lena Young
Paula Jones
Deacon James Norman
Ladell Johnson
Kathleen Humphries-Grannum
Fr. Michael Trail
Altha M. Jordan-Green
Auxiliary Emeritus Bishop
St. Benedict the African
Archdiocese of Chicago
Archdiocese of Chicago
Our Lady of Africa
St. Thomas the Apostle
Archdiocese of Chicago
Our Lady of Africa
Our Lady of Africa
St. Thomas the Apostle
Immaculate Heart of Mary
St. Josephine Bakhita
Archdiocese of Chicago
St. James-Wabash Trainer
Sts. Martha, Mary and Lazarus Trainer
Vicariate VI
Board of Directors​
Board of Directors
Board of Directors
Board of Directors
Board of Directors
Board of Directors
Board of Directors
Board of Directors
Years: 2020-2022